Rung in LD-editor

A rung within the LD-editor is delimited

  • by the left power rail on the left and

  • by the right power rail on the right.

After you create the LD-object, the LD-editor already contains a rung. You are able to insert as many rungs within the LD-editor as you like.


Example for an empty rung with the left and right power rail:

Each rung provides 2 input fields:

  • Title: Here you are able to enter an additional title. By default, no additional title is entered. The title is visible beside the name of the rung (see under "Creating application in LD-editor" for an example of a rung with title).

  • Description (= [Empty Rung] in the upper illustration): Here you are able to enter a  description. If you do delete the text, this field is hidden. Only when you position the mouse pointer over the rung, the field becomes visible so that you are able to enter a text.

Actions for rungs